World Statistics Day is celebrated on October 20 after every five years to celebrate statistics. Statistics are vital and do play a significant role in growth and development in all aspects for a country. Statistics involves the collection, analyzing and interpreting large amounts of numerical data. Worldwide its importance has been acknowledged.
Last year was the third World Statistics Day and the theme for they year was 'Connecting the world with data we can trust'. However, until 2025, World Statistics wont be celebrated as it was decided by the United Nations Statistics Commission to celebrate it after every five years.
The first edition of the World Statistics Day was celebrated in the year 2010.
As of 2010, 103 countries celebrate a national Statistics Day, including 51 African countries that jointly celebrate African Statistics Day annually on 18 November.. In India, the Statistics Day is celebrated on June 29 on the birthday of Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (statistician).
Why is the World Statistics Day celebrated every after five years?
The first World Statistics Day was celebrated on 20 October 2010 with the theme “Service, professionalism, integrity: celebrating the many contributions and achievements of official statistics”.
On 3 June 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution and declared on 20 October 2015 as the Second World Statistics Day and decided to celebrate the Day every FIVE years on 20 October.
Earlier, Statistical Commission, which was established in 1947 under the United Nations, was tasked with a number of responsibilities, including:
1. Promoting the development of national statistics and improving their comparability
2. Coordinating the statistical work of specialized agencies
3. Developing central statistical services of the Secretariat
4. Advising the organs of the United Nations on general questions relating to the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical information, and promoting the improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally
Also Read: What is the significance of World Statistics Day 2021?
What is the purpose of organising World Statistics Day?
1. To acknowledge the fundamental importance of sustainable national statistical capacity
2. To produce reliable and timely statistics and indicators measuring a country's progress, which is an indispensable basis for informed policy decision making
3. To monitor the Millennium Development Goals at the national, regional and international levels
4. To support national efforts in building and strengthening national statistical capacity, in particular of developing countries, based on Economic and Social Council resolution of 24 July 2006 entitled 'Strengthening statistical capacity'.
Earlier editions of World Statistics Day:
In the year 2010, World Statistics Day theme was 'Celebrating the many achievements of official statistics'. It was an overwhelming success, with activities organized in more than 130 Member States and by at least 40 international and regional organisations and entities.
In 2015, the theme was 'Better data, better lives', focusing on the critical role of high-quality official statistical information in analysis and informed policy decision-making in support of sustainable development.
In 2020, the theme was 'Connecting the world with data we can trust' which intended to emphasise on the importance of trust, authoritative data and innovation. A website was also created to invite suggestions and host events to provide a platform to the global statistical community.
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