, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Mumbai: Nearly 70,000 get the jab, 776 takers for Sputnik V ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mumbai: Nearly 70,000 get the jab, 776 takers for Sputnik V

Nearly 70,000 registered beneficiaries were vaccinated at various centres across the city on Thursday. As per BMC data, 69,713 citizens were inoculated, including 51,778 in the 18-44 age group. Forty lactating mothers also took the jab. In addition, 776 beneficiaries were given Sputnik V vaccine at private centres as part of a pilot project that was launched in Hyderabad on May 14, in collaboration with a few private hospitals.

Since the mass immunisation drive started in the city, 38.93 lakh doses have been administered in the city. While 30.91 lakh have taken their first dose, 8.02 lakh have taken both doses. At present, the BMC has 1.15 lakh vaccine doses, of which 30,000 arrived on Thursday evening.

State immunisation officer DN Patil said the pace of vaccination has been consistent for the past few days and around 250,000 to 275,000 beneficiaries are being vaccinated daily. “Our efforts are to get around 30-35 per cent of the population covered with at least one dose, at the earliest,” he said. Spokesperson for Dr Reddy’s said the Sputnik V pilot project has been scaled up and extended to Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata.


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