, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Not a hint of a heckle for the least Labour thing you’ll see at a Labour conference | John Crace ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Not a hint of a heckle for the least Labour thing you’ll see at a Labour conference | John Crace

If some had their reservations about opening with the national anthem, they kept them to themselves in a show of unity

Stick to what you’re good at. It’s in the nature of things – especially during a party conference – that opposition leaders find themselves put under the microscope for character flaws. For reasons why they may never make it to prime minister. Keir Starmer is no exception. No matter that he has been consistently ahead in the polls for months now, or that Liz Truss has spectacularly failed to secure the traditional new prime minister bounce – she seems to be taking her desire to be unpopular extremely seriously – as she tries to crash the economy. Starmer gets it in the neck from left and right. He’s too timid. He’s too vague. He never says anything.

Except that over the last few weeks we’ve now found something at which Keir genuinely excels. In fact, he’s probably one of the best, if not the best, in the business. He’s just an exceptional mourner. Were I to pop my clogs in the not too distant future, I would hope that my family fell to their knees and begged him to organise the 10 days of national psychosis. There would be tears. There would be pomp. There would be circumstance. Chopin’s funeral march on repeat. And more and more tears.

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from The Guardian

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