, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Guardian view on Russian gas: a compelling reason to go green | Editorial ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Guardian view on Russian gas: a compelling reason to go green | Editorial

Vladimir Putin’s cynical extortion makes as eloquent a case for the clean energy transition as any environmental idealist

When Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine, he gambled that it would be won quickly and that the west would acquiesce in a fait accompli. He underestimated Ukrainian resilience and European readiness to punish Kremlin aggression with sanctions. That forced Mr Putin into a longer game. Now he is betting that European reliance on Russian gas exports will corrode western solidarity, leading to a degrading of sanctions and restored tolerance of Moscow’s territorial aggressions.

To hasten that scenario, Russia has cut the flow of gas through the main east-west pipeline. The Kremlin’s message of strategic extortion is not subtle: go softer on the war and have a cosier winter; stay tough and freeze. European solidarity is just about holding. Earlier this week EU members agreed a deal to cut gas usage by 15% as part of a phased move away from reliance on Russian supplies. But the deal is diluted by opt-outs and exceptions for various countries. Hungary, the EU state that is cosiest with the Kremlin, has not signed up at all.

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