, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Johnson is so short of answers he can no longer form complete sentences | John Crace ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Johnson is so short of answers he can no longer form complete sentences | John Crace

PM’s pathetic Commons performance shows he and his government have no answer to the cost-of-living crisis

It felt very much like the end of days. An intellectually and morally bankrupt government lurching from one crisis to the next while the country is left to flatline. No one is even surprised these days when yet another Tory MP is accused of sex offences. While we don’t know what the truth of these new allegations will be, the fact that there are fresh claims is no more than people have come to expect. The MP hasn’t even been suspended as he would have been in any other workplace.

The ongoing scandal at Westminster is one that might have proved fatally toxic for some administrations, but now has become normalised. Just wait for the next story to break. And with 56 MPs, including three cabinet ministers, being investigated for sexual misconduct, it may not be long before it does.

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