, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Far right and far left alike admired Putin. Now we’ve all turned against strongmen | Nick Cohen ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Far right and far left alike admired Putin. Now we’ve all turned against strongmen | Nick Cohen

After the Ukraine invasion, his former defenders are rushing to distance themselves

The worst people in the west were pro-Putin. They excused his imperialist ideology and crimes against humanity and never paid a price for bootlicking a dictatorship. On the contrary, they took Britain out of the European Union and took over the Labour party. They won the presidencies of the United States and the Czech Republic and seized control of politics and the media in Hungary.

The savagery of Vladimir Putin’s assault on Ukrainian democracy has sent them into headlong retreat. Nothing better illustrates their panic than Marine Le Pen having to deny that she had ordered the destruction of 1.2m election leaflets that featured pictures of her giving Putin a firm handshake, as if to thank him for all the money he had loaned her.

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from The Guardian

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