In years past, celebrating the festive season has been about Pinterest and Martha Stewart. This year the visuals aren’t the point – it’s about people, not pressure
Last week a photo series popped up on my Facebook Memories, dated December 2017. That was the year I decided to go Full Martha Stewart on the Christmas trimmings and trappings.
I had clearly fallen into some hardcore Pinterest hole and decided to make my own decorations. I carefully cut and dehydrated about 50 orange slices, before gluing on cinnamon sticks and star anise, attaching jaunty red and gold ribbons and hanging them on the tree. I also made salt dough, diligently pressing lace patterns into its surface before baking it into rather pale, flabby-looking stars. It took forever and it was a massive pain for someone who has much more ambition than talent on the craft front, but it was all very pretty and whimsical (at least until the ants got wind of the oranges).
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