, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Man stabs toilet worker in Fort, arrested ~ Bharath Bulletin

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Man stabs toilet worker in Fort, arrested

The Colaba police arrested a 25-year-old man for allegedly stabbing a public toilet attendant after the latter denied him entry inside a woman's toilet. Following the incident, the accused Rajuranjan Tiwari was arrested for attempt to murder.

On Friday night, Tiwari was sitting with his woman friend near Regal Cinema at Fort near a public toilet, suddenly an argument broke out between them, following which the woman went inside the toilet. Tiwari tried to follow her, but he was stopped by the attendant Suresh Mehttar, 30 and told Tiwari to go to the men's toilet.

This did not go down well with Tiwari, and he started arguing with Mehttar. Soon a scuffle broke out between them when Mehttar pushed Tiwari back and threatened him with a knife. He allegedly stabbed him in the stomach and shoulder as Mehttar screamed for help; pedestrian rushed for his rescue while Tiwari fled from the spot.

The pedestrians rushed Mehttar to JJ hospital, where doctors treated him. Based on Mehttar's statement, the Colaba police registered an attempt to murder, criminal intimidation and intentional insult and arrested Tiwari.


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