, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World Internet Day 2021: How was the world in pre-digital era vs today ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, October 28, 2021

World Internet Day 2021: How was the world in pre-digital era vs today

Internet has become one of the most vital necessities of the humans when in the year 1969 this technology was invented. On October 29 came the pioneering invention of what would be known today as the internet. The internet is everyone’s best friend now. But it is not all about social media. The internet gives you access to an endless amount of information, work opportunities, platforms to get artistic, endless communication, and much, much more.

While the year 1969 goes down as a notable year with the world being introduced to Neil Armstrong - the first human to go on the moon, in the same year, little known 21-year old UCLA student programmer, Charley Kline administered the first electronic message between computers, a truly ground-breaking moment within the initial stages of the technological age.

The day marks the sending of the first electronic message which was transferred from one computer to another in 1969. The day is celebrated to commemorate a momentous day in the history of telecommunications and technology.

History and significance of World Internet Day:

International Internet Day History The first International Internet Day was celebrated on October 29, 2005, and from then this day has been crucial, we cannot imagine our lives without the internet, and it revolves around the internet.

The internet has revolutionised and reshaped our lives a way that we never imagined. The Internet has made it easier for us to stay in touch with our friends, miles away. From being an incredible tool the internet has made it easier for us to turn to work from home as a practical alternative, it has contributed a lot. This critical invention in human history is consequently celebrated around the world on October 29 as International Internet Day.

With so much of our lives revolve around the internet, this celebration is essential to not only thank the creators for this innovative tool that has genuinely reshaped our lives but also considering how the internet has affected our lives - in both positive and negative way. An instrument of convenience if used rightly, International Internet Day celebrations allows you to find the balance and identify the internet usage that works for you.

How was the world then when it was internet free:

Our world, lives and almost all our activities are dependent on the internet. Exercising? Try this online app to measure your progress. Are you working from home? Trying to unwind? Studying? Shopping? Watching your favourite shows on streaming sites? Consulting your doctor online? Whatever we do we need internet and its need was felt even more during the pandemic.

However, the world was way different when the internet was not in its full glory even though the technology was invented way back in 60s.

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Tring Tring! phone calls were a thing:

If you wanted to get in touch with someone, you had to dial them a call, or meet them personally. It wasn’t as quick and easy as sending a text message that we send through - Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, etc today. People had to keep a phonebook (directory) of numbers and dial the number each time to contact the respective person. That’s how college students used to contact each other to check if their friends are coming the next day to the college. It was definitely a simpler time.

No e-paper only newspaper:

Keeping up with the happenings around the world had to be paid for. One had to buy newspapers just to know what’s going on in the world. But now, at the touch of a button or a slide of a screen you can literally know everything that’s going on while you’re laying in bed or just travelling.

Love stories began differently

Online dating is a thing now but Back then, people met by chance, they used to send love letters, meet outside and face the anxiety of trying to know the other person. Now with internet it’s much easier but definitely less intimate. People meet online, approach each other through direct messages, and date each other. That’s just in the new age.

People went outdoors for shopping:

Anyone reading this has probably gotten a taste of what it’s like to shop online on impulse. It’s right in front of you, and you can literally pamper yourself or others at any time of the day. It’s easily more addictive, unlike in the past, where people had to get dressed, go to the store or shopping mall, and actually pay to take their new items home.

Statistics of internet users:

As of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide - 59.5 percent of the global population. Of this total, 92.6 percent (4.32 billion) accessed the internet via mobile devices. While the total number of Internet users in India has risen from 795.18 million at the end of December 2020 to 825.30 million at the end of March 2021, registering a quarterly growth rate of 3.79 per cent, showed data by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)

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