, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Guardian view on China’s missile launch: the arrival of a peer competitor | Editorial ~ Bharath Bulletin

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Guardian view on China’s missile launch: the arrival of a peer competitor | Editorial

Unlike the Soviet Union, China is an economic, technological and military challenger to the US. That raises questions – especially for Taiwan

Whether China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that can circle the globe or not, there is a convincing argument that the country has emerged as a serious strategic rival to the United States. With scores of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, China already has the ability to strike the US mainland with devastating force. However, the hypersonic missile test – which the Chinese say was a peaceful spacecraft launch – can be read as a warning from Beijing that it could defeat, through its technological prowess, US missile defences.

What remains largely unacknowledged is that both Washington and Beijing have been building their strategic nuclear capabilities at a rapid and potentially destabilising pace. The US plans to spend up to $1.5tn to overhaul its nuclear arsenal by rebuilding each leg of its nuclear triad – with new warheads, submarines and bombers being commissioned. China is doing the same. While Monday’s test made headlines around the world, China’s first hypersonic glide test was in 2014. The US has its own plans for such technologies. The unavoidable impression is that such efforts contribute to a dangerous arms race.

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from The Guardian

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