Hatpipliya (Madhya Pradesh): Scores of farmers under banner of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh lodged a complaint against two fertiliser shops accusing shop owners of selling urea and N-P-K at higher than prescribed rates.
Department officials inspected three shops in the village and found that two shop owners selling fertiliser at higher price.
Hukam Patel, the district president of the Bharatiya Kisan Sangh said that the farmers accused some shoppers of selling fertilisers and other chemicals in the village at a higher price.
Farmers union and farmers reached the shops and complained about selling fertiliser at higher prices, on which Shyamsundar Mahajan, inspector Bagli reached the spot and investigated and application was taken from the farmers and it was told that appropriate action would be taken after investigation.
Farmers alleged that the NPK fertilisers and urea are being sold by the shops on slips at a rate higher than the price fixed by the government. The shop owners are not issuing receipt of the purchase. The farmers raised slogans outside the shop and demanded action.
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source https://www.freepressjournal.in/indore/madhya-pradesh-fertiliser-shops-inspected-after-farmers-allege-black-marketing
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