Indore: With fluctuations in the weather conditions, vector-borne diseases have spread their tentacles across the city as four more patients fell prey to dengue on Thursday. With this, the total number of cases has reached 73, so far, in the city.
Moreover, over 75 per cent of the total cases were found in the month of August, that is, 55, as only 11 cases were found dengue-positive from January to July but the number increased to 69 by month-end.
“Four new cases of dengue were detected at Scheme No. 114, Tulsi Nagar, Meena Nagar and Jagjeevan Ram Nagar,” district malaria officer Dr Daulat Patel said. He added that they surveyed 300 houses in the surrounding areas of the patient’s residence and found larvae in five of the houses. “We’ve surveyed over 48,000 houses since January and checked over 2 lakh containers out of which larvae was found in over 900 containers, so far,” Dr Patel said.
Meanwhile, doctors in private hospitals said the number of patients was much higher in the city than the number declared by the health department. “Many hospitals don’t report dengue cases or send samples to the health department or MGM Medical College for confirmation and start treatment of patients on the basis of rapid tests which aren’t considered by the health department,” doctors said.
Also Read: Indore: Pregnant woman dies of dengue in Indore
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