, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Indore: Mobile vax centres are a hit, around 40% vaccinated through mobile units ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Indore: Mobile vax centres are a hit, around 40% vaccinated through mobile units


Mobile vaccination ​centres of the health department and administration were a big draw on Sunday and about 40 per cent of the people were vaccinated in these centres.

The department had ​fielded about 70 mobile teams to vaccinate people, mainly those who haven’t taken the first dose of vaccine yet. ​Overall, ​36​,​000 people ​were vaccinated ​out of which over 15​,​000 were vaccinated by the mobile teams.

Moreover, the officials decided not to take any break though Janmashtami festival is tomorrow and decided to complete the target of the first dose of vaccination at the earliest.

“We will continue the vaccination drive even on Monday as we are aiming to achieve the 100 per​ ​cent target of the first dose by the end of this month. District ​c​ollector Manish Sigh has motivated teams to ​achieve the target and also assured ​that he would compensate ​our Janmashtami leave in ​the ​coming days,” ​​District Immuni​s​ation Officer Dr Tarun Gupta said.

​​​The same number of mobile teams will be on ​the ​field on Monday and​ will ​focus will be on door​-​to​-​door vaccination of those who ​have not taken the first dose so far.

The administration had planned to vaccinate over 50​,​000 people on Sunday at 330 vaccination sites.

However, the department could vaccinate only over 36​,​000 people.

“We had allocated both Covishield and Covaxin on Saturday. Over 28​,​000 people above the age of 18 years while over 5000 people above the age of 45 years and over 1900 people above 60 years were vaccinated,”

​"Only about 25​,​000 people are remaining in the city​ who have to take the first dose of vaccine​,​ while 34 per​ ​cent of people have taken ​already taken the second dose as well," Dr Gupta said.

Vaccination in city

Over 36000 people were vaccinated on Sunday

Total 37.4 lakh doses administered in the city so far including 27.84 lakh people only with the first dose and over 9.58 lakh people have taken the second dose as well.

Over 20.30 lakh males and 17.11 lakh females were vaccinated at least with the first dose.

Over 31.11 lakh doses of ​Covishield and 6.22 lakh doses of ​Covaxin ​were administered in the city.

Over 22.49 lakh people between age 18 and 44 years of age vaccinated at least with the first dose of vaccine

Over 14 lakh people above age 45 years vaccinated at least with the first dose


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