The enthusiasm among people to get the jab could be seen by the long queues at all the vaccination centres across the city on Saturday. Over 55,000 people were inoculated at 189 sites across the district.
“We have got over 52,000 doses but we could vaccinate more people than the doses. People have shown good response to the drive and we will soon start a drive for full vaccination in the city i.e. taking both the doses,” Immunisation Officer Dr Tarun Gupta said.
As many as 55,796 people were vaccinated including over 35,000 people above the age of 18 years, 12,000 people above the age of 45 years and over 4,000 people above 60 years.
The enthusiasm among the people was seen as they were reaching the centres till 5 pm and many of them were also seen reaching the centres for getting vaccinated with the leftover vaccine at the end of the day.
Vaccination in city on Saturday
Total number of session sites 189
Total vaccinated health care workers (first dose) 81
Total vaccinated health care workers (second dose) 178
Total vaccinated frontline workers (first dose) 16
Total vaccinated frontline workers (second dose) 326
Total vaccinated 18 to 44 years (first dose) 32,872
Total vaccinated 18 to 44 years (second dose) 3,968
Total vaccinated 45 to 60 years (first dose) 5,922
Total vaccinated 45 to 60 years (second dose) 7,709
Total vaccinated 60+ (first dose) 2,015
Total vaccinated 60+ (second dose) 2,709
Total vaccinated on Saturday 55,796
from Free Press Journal
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