, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Shanti Path “OM Aapyayantu Mamaangani Vaak”: NJ Reddy, YPV Sadhana ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Shanti Path “OM Aapyayantu Mamaangani Vaak”: NJ Reddy, YPV Sadhana

This peace chant commences from the Kena Upanishad, which is embedded in the Saama Veda. Peace invocations are made at the beginning of any study or work in order to still our minds and also with the intention to remove any obstacles in performing the planned work.

The Mantra

OM Aapyayantu Mama-Angani Vaak Praanah-Chakshu

Shrotram-Atho Balam-Indriyaani Cha Sarvaani!

Sarvam Brahma-Upanishadam

Ma-Aham Brahma Niraakuryaam Maa maa

Bhahman Niraakarot,

Aniraakaranam-Astu Aniraakaranam Me Astu

Tat-Aatmani Nirate Ya Upanishatsu Dharmaah

Te Mayi Santu Te Mayi Santu

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi!

Literal Translation of the Words

OM : The Supreme Parabrahman, manifested or unmanifested

Aapyayantu : May grow vigorous (joyful interest and enthusiasm)

Mama-Angani : My limbs

Vaak : Speech

Praanah : Vital air

Chakshu : Eyes

Shrotram : Ears

Atho : Then

Balam : Strength

Indriyaani : Senses

Cha : and

Sarvaani : All

Sarvam : All inclusive

Brahma : Brahman

Upanishadam : Of the Upanishad

Ma : Never

Aham : I

Brahma: Brahman

Niraakuryaam : May Reject

Ma Ma: Never never

Brahma: Brahman

Niraakarot: May Reject

Aniraakaranam : Non denial (by Brahman)

Astu : May there be

Aniraakaranam: Non-denial (of the Brahman)

Me Astu: In me

Tat-Aatmani : In that Atman

Nirate Ya : Delighting which

Upanishatsu Dharmaah - All virtues that are there in Upanishads

Te : They all (the virtues)

Mayi : In me

Santu : Are present (or attained)

Te Mayi Santu: They all (the virtues) are present in me

Meaning of the Shanti Mantra

1. “OM Aapyayantu Mama-Angani Vaak”:

We invoke to the Supreme God that may we grow very vigorous, with joyful interest and enthusiasm. May our limbs become vigorous. May our speech become vigorous with affirmations and conviction.

2. “Praanah-Chakshu Shrotram-Atho”:

May the vital air or energy, our eyes and ears become vigorous too.

3. “Balam-Indriyaani Cha Sarvaani”:

May there be strength in our senses and everything in us.

We are thus asking for our energy, vitality, vehicles, senses, mind and emotions to become vigorous and are also asking for strength.

4. “Sarvam Brahma-Upanishadam”:

All is Brahman of the Upanishads. It implies that in Upanishads itself, Brahman is there.

5. “Ma-Aham Brahma Niraakuryaam Maa maa”:

May we never reject Brahman. Never, never!
Never may we reject anyone. May we not reject any aspect of Brahman. Brhaman is in everyone!

6. "Bhahman Niraakarot”:

Also, may Brahman not reject us.

7. “Aniraakaranam Astu, Aniraakaranam Me Astu":
May there be no denial by Brahman. And may there be no denial of Brahman by me. May Brahman, including everyone, not reject or deny existence of each other (all are part of Brahman).

8. “Tat-Aatmani Nirate Ya Upanishatsu Dharmaah”:

Delighting in the Atman, may all the virtues that are mentioned in the Upanishads… (continued in next line)

9. “Te Mayi Santu”:
May they (all these virtues) be present or fostered in me by my effort. May I acquire all that by being vigorous by all my senses, energy, vitality, body and mind.

10. “Te Mayi Santu”:

Reaffirming the same. May we acquire and internalize them.

11. “OM Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi”:

By chanting OM, we request Supreme Parabrahman to bestow us with peace on all the lower three planes of physical, emotional and mental, as peace is already permeating in all the planes higher. Thus, the word shanti here is repeated three times and is not a mere coincidence.

Another significance of this reiteration is for beseeching harmony in case of discords that are known to us, freedom from hostility due to misunderstandings that are unintentional or forgotten and finally for calmness within from any disappointments or pain. You can let go of this hurt and resentment by the practice of forgiveness.

Sum Up

We first invoke for a healthy body, vitality and mind at the start of the study. That is an essential precondition to start any work. Only one who is vigorous, dedicated, strong, devoted, and focused can pursue the Upanishads. Brahman is part of the Upanishads. We then request that may Brahman not reject or deny us and that even we do not reject or deny Him. May we delight in our Atma (Self). All virtues specified in the Upanishads be cultivated in us by our rigorous effort. May we work towards it and achieve it!

You may join our daily online sessions to experience peace in the various vehicles by practicing simple physical exercises, breathing exercises to calm your mind and strengthen your body, Forgiveness Sadhana to detach from the past agony and free your mind, and loving kindness meditations, in particular, Planetary Peace Meditation, Metta Meditation or prayer on Great Invocation to permeate your entire being with happiness, compassion, peace, spirit of forgiveness and radiate this to your immediate environment and channel the Divine Blessings to the entire Earth, which is especially helpful in these trying times. It is a great service to entire mother Earth and all kingdoms of nature. You can also experience a powerful guided Divine group healing during these sessions. These sessions are being conducted regularly @ Timings: Morning 7.15 AM, Afternoon 1.00 PM, Evening 6.30 PM.

In addition, you may take part in the special guided Divine Group Healing daily, at 10 am IST, for about fifteen minutes, by signing up here for free. You may receive healing by being receptive during this time or play a part in contributing to those in need by being a channel for the Group Healing or both.

You may also try our YPV Sadhana app which is available in various languages. It has guided audios for the breathing exercises, Forgiveness Sadhana and Planetary Peace Meditation. These techniques also boost and sustain your immune system.


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