Sadhguru: Responsibility means response-ability – your ability to respond. Would you like to retain your ability to respond to every dimension of life that you face? If you don't have the ability to respond, that is when you feel fearful and helpless. If you retain the ability to respond, whatever can be done, you will do. The only reason you suffer responsibility is, you are always afraid of whether it will happen or not. Why are you afraid of that? Because right now, the way you are, your joy, happiness and peacefulness are dependent upon how the world responds to you, not how you are.
Please understand, you are referred to as a human being. We did not call other creatures as “tiger being”, “ant being” etc. A “human being” means this one knows how to be. Other creatures exist in reaction to outside situations. But we know how to respond, not react. That is why this is a responsible creature. If you know how to be, would you keep yourself blissful or miserable? Blissful. Once you are blissful, once you determine your experience in the world, the fear of suffering is taken away from you. Then you walk through life in full stride.
In your life, if you do not do what you cannot do, no problem. But if you do not do what you can do, you are a disaster. For example, in the last 36 years, we have touched some 500 million people. But that’s not my idea the world. So, I know I will die a terrible failure, but I will die a blissful failure.
The choice is this: you can have a constipated desire, “My only ambition is to build a house for myself.” If that happens, you think are a success, but you are a constipated success. My wish for all of you young people is, you must have that kind of a desire which cannot be fulfilled in this life. If your desire for wellbeing includes everyone, if your desire is all-inclusive, most probably it will not happen before you die. But even if you took just a few steps in that direction, that's great. So, I want you to understand, I am wishing you a failure, but a blissful failure.
from Free Press Journal
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