, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Guiding Light: The last lap ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Guiding Light: The last lap

Just when we thought we had won the fight against Covid–19, we let our guard down. The virus raised its head again and we are bang in the middle of a second wave. This was bound to happen. Experts were predicting it. We had seen it happening in other countries. Are we back to square one? Definitely not. This can be comparable to the last lap of the race.

Last year, we had no clue how to treat the virus. Now the treatment protocols and infrastructure are more or less in place. Vaccines are in the offing. A good amount of people have received the first dose of the vaccination. But in this time of the last lap – Covid fatigue has set in. We tend to lower our guard because we are fed up. This happens in many fields.

The one who is winning the race sees the tape insight. He is so sure of his victory that he slows down his pace and someone overtakes him in the last sprint. If only he had not slowed down his pace. In cricket too, there are many balls to spare, a few runs to make and victory in sight. The batsman becomes a bit lax and he is bowled out. We are poised at the same position as far as the fight against the virus is concerned.

With so many people getting infected, some have been detected. Many are asymptomatic and hence not detected. Cases have come to light because of chance testing. With the increase in infections and vaccinations, we are moving towards some sort of community immunity or herd immunity. It will take some time. There is not flickering but a blazing light at the end of the tunnel. So, what do we have to do now? Put our heads down, stick to safety protocols, do what has to be done to sail through. Now is not the time to give in to despair, despondency and frustration but a build-up of enthusiasm again to carry on with the fight because we are literally in the last lap.

(The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him


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