, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Guiding Light: What is the purpose of life and what should we live for? ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, April 2, 2021

Free Press Journal, Guiding Light: What is the purpose of life and what should we live for?

What is the purpose of life? It is not to be happy. It is about being helping others who are in need. It is about being compassionate. It is about making difference to family, society and nation. It is living a fulfilling life.

In today’s world, knowing your purpose in life and what you should live for has become the major criteria for measuring how happy you are and how fulfilling your life is. There is a lot of anxiety to know your purpose in life if you don’t know, then the probability of you living a fulfilling and happy life is minuscule.

Purpose in life has nothing to do with happiness or its pursuit but to do with how well we live the lives. That is the secret recipe to living a happy and fulfilling life.

One the question which keeps haunting us. How do you attain a purpose in life? Follow few simple steps to attain purpose and fulfilment.

Stay away from social media: On social media, whether Facebook, Instagram and other such platforms, people project everything positive in their lives. The truth is hidden somewhere else. It adversely impacts the mental health and the overall well-being of people. You must stop immediately comparing your life with lives of people being shown on the social media. You have to find and believe in your own measures of success, happiness and fulfilment.

Ask yourself: What is the legacy you want to leave behind? Have you made any difference to anyone’s life? What would people say when you would be gone? If you answer these questions objectively and honest, you will be able to determine the purpose of your life.

Take action: Once you have answers to the above questions, it is time to take immediate action and exhibit the behaviours and demonstrate the qualities consistently, that you firmly believe are important for living life with purpose. Focus on actions that bring you happiness and fulfilment. Any act of kindness and generosity are the core to living a purposeful life. Show and express gratitude.

The more happiness you give the more joy would get. This is the time in life that you feel living with purpose and being fulfilled in life. This is to time to take action now.

(The writer is a Delhi based Master Coach and a Motivational Speaker)

from Free Press Journal

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