, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Guiding Light: Observance of moral norms ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Free Press Journal, Guiding Light: Observance of moral norms

(... contd. from last week)

It should not be difficult to understand that there are certain laws that govern our mutual relationships or human behaviour in general. These are known as moral laws or ethical principles. Based on these, are certain norms, codes of conduct or rules and regulations to be followed in life in an organised society.

If we follow these laws, the quality and quantity of happiness in our life is enhanced and if we violate these, then we have to face so many problems and disturbances. The observance of these moral norms is of great value if we wish to be happy with ourselves and wish to build a society that is free from friction in human relations and tensions in day-to-day life.

These are, therefore, called values. Our present sorry state is the result of neglect or violation of those values. We have gradually lost the human aspect of our life and have become more or less like machines, as a result of which there is no spirit of friendship, fellow-feeling and love in our life. Our Knowledge of science, technology, communication skills, managerial skills, etc.. has not been able to bring inner happiness because our level of honesty, sincerity, cordiality, fellow-feeling, fair dealing duty, discipline and mutual trust is fast falling.

In other words, there has been rapid erosion of social, moral and family values. It is not that science and technology or management skills have caused our present sufferings. On the other hand, it falls in the standards of morality that have prevented even science & technology and management or administrative ability also from giving us their full fruits.

Moreover, it is not that people do not know that moral values are necessary to build a happy and peaceful society. People wish to have moral qualities in their life but they do not have that spiritual knowledge that should enable them to follow successfully these values in their life nor do they know that kind of Meditation which should make the values stay in them and should give them a deep experience of peace and happiness.

Thus, the need of the hour is that we create mass awareness among people for values like tolerance, humility, mutual respect in order to realise our dream of a world where there is peace, happiness and harmony.

(The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and UK. You can write to him at

from Free Press Journal

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