, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 16, 2021, for all zodiac signs ~ Bharath Bulletin

Monday, March 15, 2021

Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 16, 2021, for all zodiac signs

Those in politics or the social sector may face some challenges from their opponents. Stay away from speculative activities. Family's support will boost your confidence.

Business expansion is on the cards. Discuss your ideas with co-workers before implementing them. Avoid making emotionally-driven decisions as they will go wrong.

You will find new job opportunities. You may make new contacts and may form a close, strong bond among one of them. Your focus is now on your goals, keep it up.

You may feel lonely and isolated. You may be bogged down by nervousness. Try to indulge in your favourite hobbies. Step out, meet your friends. Avoid junk food.

You will enjoy this day to it's fullest. You might have to compromise at the workplace. Gains and losses will be part of the game in shares. Cut down your expenses.

Job assignments can be completed in time. You may face hurdles while completing your projects. Those in the field of music will be guided well by a maestro.

If you keep doing the same things, you are going to get the same results. Stop and take some time to re-group, re-focus and re-connect. Someone special may come in life.

Those in the political and social sector may face some obstacles. You may think of changing your profession. Business people may think of starting a new venture.

Those in business will be eagerly looking at the many lucrative opportunities open to you. Success will follow you. Domestic life will be happy and harmonious.

You need someone who shares your responsibilities and supports you on the professional as well as personal front. It's time to take bold steps against your opponents.

You need to organise your funds properly so that financial problems don't affect your domestic life. Business people may have a tough day. Stay away from illegal activities.

Minor health problems are foreseen. You may feel excited and sporty at the workplace. Take some time out for your family, pay attention to their needs and feelings.

from Free Press Journal

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