, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Coronavirus live news: Brazil sees record deaths; Japan may stage Olympics without overseas spectators ~ Bharath Bulletin

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Coronavirus live news: Brazil sees record deaths; Japan may stage Olympics without overseas spectators

Greece to allow tourists with Covid vaccines, antibodies or negative tests; Palestinian ICUs at capacity

Palestinian hospitals are overfull and intensive-care units operating at 100% capacity with coronavirus patients in some areas of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, prime minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has said.

Reuters reports:

Palestinian cities have introduced full lockdowns over the last two weeks to control soaring COVID-19 infections, even as neighbouring Israel has begun to lift restrictions as it proceeds with one of the world’s fastest vaccination campaigns.

“The percentage of hospital occupancy in some areas has reached more than 100%,” Shtayyeh said in Ramallah, one of the West Bank cities where his Palestinian Authority (PA) exercises limited self-rule. “The number of casualties is increasing and the number of deaths is increasing on a daily basis, forcing us to take strict, direct and unprecedented measures.”

The pandemic has a habit of bringing hidden social crises into the open. Now it reveals the precarious position of local government, the provider of vital services from care homes to public health and bin collection, which has helped keep the show on the road in the UK’s biggest national emergency since the second world war.

The National Audit Office (NAO) account of the near implosion of England’s local councils during Covid is sobering: only by the government’s swift, if grudging, injection of billions of pounds of emergency cash into council coffers over recent months did ministers avert what the auditors call “system-wide financial failure”.

Related: Covid has exposed dire position of England's local councils

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