, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Never mind about the economy, Britain has a new luxury brand – Rishi Sunak | Marina Hyde ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, February 26, 2021

Never mind about the economy, Britain has a new luxury brand – Rishi Sunak | Marina Hyde

As pandemic announcements go, the chancellor’s second budget can’t compete with his Instagram hoodie shots

Exchequer spokesmodel/gyoza-toting architect of Eat Out To Spread It About/the Conservative party’s idea of a cool person. Wherever you were before you suddenly became powerfully aware of the existence of Rishi Sunak, it wasn’t a very happy place. Possessed of the ability to spark a bull-run on cashmere with a single hoodie shot – and curator of a personal brand that could make Matt Hancock kick over a small wastepaper basket in a jealous rage – the chancellor will next week unveil his second budget. Hopefully he’ll do it on his Insta Stories, and Conservatives who fail to declare themselves #hereforit will be relieved of the whip.

The many, many Treasury-produced leaks and trailers for the event have included a glossy video package in which Rishi video-called Gordon Ramsay – or as the branding had it: “Rishi Sunak … In Conversation … With … Gordon Ramsay.” “I am SUPER excited to see you,” said the chancellor to the poorly rating gameshow host. “Thanks for making time for me!” “You’re welcome,” replied Gordon graciously, amazingly managing not to pick Sunak up on the failure to chirp “yes, chef!” after his every piece of shit-hot economic advice.

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