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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Free Press Journal, Guiding Light by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Judgements and good company

Though you have heard "don't judge," judgement comes unavoidably in day-to-day life. By the actions and behaviours of people, you either approve or disapprove. But always remember that everything is changing, and do not hold onto the judgement. Otherwise, your judgement gets solidified like a rock. It brings misery for you and for others.

If judgements are lighter like air, like a breeze, they bring in fragrance, then move away. They could bring a foul smell, then move away. They should not stay there forever.

Judgements are so subtle that you are not even aware of their existence. Judging or labelling someone as judgmental is also a judgement. Only in the state of Being when you are full of love and compassion can you ever be free from all judgements.

Also Read: Guiding Light by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Alone, yet not lonely!

Yet the world cannot move without judgements. Until you judge something as good or bad, you cannot do any actions. If you see rotten apples in the market, you say, "No good." Good ones you buy. If someone lies to you ten times, you think next time it also could be a lie. A judgment happens automatically.

See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold onto the judgements. Suppose people are upset, don’t take it too seriously because if you take it too seriously, then you are not able to communicate with them.

Also Read: Guiding Light by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Eradicating ego

You need to judge your company. Your company can pull you up or pull you down. The company that drags you towards doubt, dejection, blame, complaints, anger, delusion, and desires is bad company. It’s better to be lonely than in bad company. The company that pulls you up towards joy, enthusiasm, service, love, trust, and Knowledge is a good company. Don't think people who agree with your grievances, with your problems, are your friends, they are your enemies. Often, your own mind is your worst enemy. The negative tendency in your mind is your own enemy.

When someone complains to you about how bad life is, how bad people are, how much worse the whole world is and how miserable they are, you should simply listen, then you nod, then you sympathize, then you complain.

Also Read: Guiding Light by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Love & Truth

from Free Press Journal

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