, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 8, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 8, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan

Works of creation and new ideas will bring in interesting dividends today. Singles will find their dating relationship reaching the next level, but avoid making commitments.

Do not give in to pressure; hold your ground until you have the time to think things through. A person whom you have helped can bring you trouble. Be careful of going deeper to solve problems.

All efforts put in now would pour dividends in near future. Business will see improvement; lost contracts can be regained. But you will have to keep a watch on your associates to complete your projects on time.

Your spirit will remain distant, incapable to communicate with the people around. There will be moments that will bring in self-doubts, even though your work might be making good progress.

Be diplomatic in your interactions at work. Don’t overextend yourself. In politics disadvantages will cause tension. Enemies will try to defame you.

You are intelligent. You know how to make an emotional attachment with people around you. You will be able to clear misunderstandings at your work place.

Your memory and particularity of completing any assignments in time will be appreciated by seniors in your profession. Those suffering from injuries or illness will make recovery.

This is the right time to resolve legal matters outside the court or mutually to avoid further litigations. Projects will be completed in time, bringing much needed-relief.

Quick trips and increased communication are on the cards. Politicians and sportsperson will be honoured. Check statements carefully and pay bills early.

Singles should be careful regarding new relationship at work place. Be careful with your finances. Domestic discussions will be intense. It shall be a good idea to close legal issues with settlements.

Learn to adjust with tough colleagues. Expressing your ideas or giving quick reaction in meetings may create misunderstanding between you and your seniors. Spending an evening with your partner will ease some tension.

Travel plans can be made. You will be positive about your love life. Small changes can have big effects. In office, your smartness and charm will impress others.

from Free Press Journal

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