, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 7, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 7, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan

Your colleagues may compare themselves with you which may give a rise to feelings of jealousy. Do not eat outside food. Gains are on the cards. Drive cautiously.

At work, you may have to make a few compromises. You may not get opportunities as per your satisfaction. Those in politics will get the support of their associates.

People associated with the entertainment and advertising sector may get lucky on the financial side. Domestic life is likely to improve. Do not neglect your health.

In business, new business contracts will help recover previous losses. Think twice before making any commitments in terms of professional life. Take enough rest.

Married life will be blissful. Happiness, positivity and joy will surround your family life. There will be gains through relatives. Students will do well today.

Pay attention to domestic problems before they turn into a serious matter. Promotions or rise in income is on the cards for some natives. Avoid being overconfident.

You might face health issues today. Strictly stay away from street food. Today, you may get a piece of good and as well as bad news. Unexpected gains are likely.

If you are thinking of starting a new business/ venture then go ahead. Do not worry about your financial status. Today, luck will follow you. Sportspersons will do well.

Avoid getting too emotional on the relationship front. Find out what your partner is expecting from you. It's a favourable day for those in business and politics.

You will have many options to choose from, so choose wisely. Those in politics will get a stronger hold on the public and would overpower their opponents.

Health may be troublesome, consult a doctor and do not neglect any kind of health issues. Unexpected financial gains are likely. Avoid arguing with your life partner.

You will get success in your important work by virtue of your hard work. You will get on well with the people around you and in the society. Drive cautiously today.

from Free Press Journal

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