, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 20, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, February 19, 2021

Free Press Journal, Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 20, 2021, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan

The pressure at the workplace is likely to increase. You may be worried about wrapping up your tasks on time. Don't care about what others think. Health needs care.

The luck will follow you. You are likely to accomplish your goals with ease. Misunderstandings with your life partner may get over. Family life will be blissful.

Sportspersons and those in the field of the political sector will perform well. Your co-workers will support your decision in the workplace. Travelling is likely.

New ambitions will be realised. Working professionals may secure a lucrative promotion that offers liberal perquisites. Students may score well. Avoid overthinking.

New ideas will boom in your mind, discuss them with your colleagues/ sub-ordinates. Beginning of a new relationship is likely. Travel plans can be made.

Your seniors maybe suspicious about the quality of your work or performance. You may make a new friend who will remain loyal to you. You may visit a holy place.

Those in the field of acting or sports will see a lot of new opportunities coming in. You will be in a spotlight on the social front. Trading in oil of eatables will be profitable.

Today, you will remain tension-free as most of your worries will go away. Domestic responsibilities will keep on your toes. Work pressures will be more at the office.

Do not worry about the old projects which you couldn't finish, instead, look for new ones and give your best. Try to recover all your debts. Take care of finances.

You will make good progress on the career front. You focus should be more on work rather than other random things. Love is in the air. Pay attention to family life.

Unexpected changes or delays could throw your schedule off gear. You have to be particular while making any financial decision. Do not neglect your health.

You have the capacity to intuitively understand feelings. You will find new resources to have continuity in your projects. Trading in the stock market will be profitable.

from Free Press Journal

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