, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 69th ESIC Day celebrations ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, February 25, 2021

69th ESIC Day celebrations

ESI Scheme was launched for the first time in Delhi and Kanpur on 24th February, 1952. The world’s biggest Social Security Scheme has completed 69 years of dedicated services on February 24, 2021. This day is always celebrated with great zest and zeal as “ESIC Day”. Celebration is followed by Special Services Fortnight from 24th February to 10th March. ESIC Regional Office Ahmedabad celebrated “ESIC Day” with lot of enthusiasm. Ratnesh Kumar Gautam, Additional Commissioner & Regional Director, Gujarat while addressing all officers and staff on this occasion, appealed to make special efforts for speedy disposal of benefit claims of insured persons in case of death/disability and clearance of pending bills of all stakeholders. He further directed for speedy redressal of Public Grievances preferably ‘On spot solution’. In all offices of ESIC, special cleanliness drives and weeding out activities are being carried out. Further, he also informed that ESIC has given approval for allowing ESI beneficiaries to seek medical services from nearby empanelled hospital directly without referral, in case of non-availibility of ESI healthcare system within a radius of 10 km of his/her residence. This is a landmark decision by ESIC Headquarter. ESIC is committed towards providing best facilities and services to the beneficiaries and is continuously working towards achieving it.

First prize to ESIC Regional Office by Town Official Language Implementation Committee, Ahmedabad for the progressive use of Hindi

ESIC Regional Office, Ahmedabad has been felicitated with the prestigious award for outstanding performance in official language Hindi by Town Official Language Implementation Committee, Ahmedabad (नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति अहमदाबाद), (Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India). Ratnesh Kumar Gautam dedicated this award to the staff of regional office who has been supportive and always ready to give their best. It is only because of their efforts that the Regional office bagged this award.

Unique decision of issuing on spot pension certificate

Permanent disablement benefit (PDB) is paid at the rate of 90% of wage in the form of monthly payment depending upon the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by a Medical Board to Insured Persons. Whole process from assessment of loss of earning capacity to issuance of pension certificate takes around 1-2 months. Claim and Benefit Branch of Gujarat Regional office came up with an idea of conducting medical board for assessment of loss of earning capacity and issuance of pension certificate having rate and disability%age on spot at the time of medical board. Sh. Gautam further added that his team has successfully planned and executed medical board for examination and assessment of permanent disability of the workers due to employment injury wherein insured persons have been awarded with%age of disability and the said insured persons will be awarded with life time pension.

Also Read: Santosh Kumar Gangwar dedicates new services at ESIC Medical College, Hyderabad


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