, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Guiding Light: Soft power vs hard power ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Guiding Light: Soft power vs hard power

(…continued from last week)

The most tragic manifestation of hard power is the way we exploit nature and other creatures on earth. The principle of non-violence is thrown to the winds. Millions upon millions of animals are killed daily for food and other purposes. Natural resources are plundered to the extent that today global warming is threatening the survival of all on earth. Ironically the very aim for which humans are abusing power is being thwarted. Despite all such excesses being committed, the desired result of peace and security eludes the perpetrators, because wrong means that which cannot lead to right results.

Today, the most powerful are becoming the most vulnerable. Terrorism has taken deep roots. Just imagine the time and resources being spent around the world on safety and security. The climax is already here. How far and how long can this dismal state of affairs continue? It is now beyond man's capacity to redeem. Hence, the Supreme benevolent being, in response to our supplications and prayers, is now transforming hard power into soft power. He is showing us the way where real power, the benevolent constructive power lies. He is empowering human souls to regain the innate spiritual power through which they can create a new world of peace, joy and harmony.

As children of Supreme, every human being is a soul inherent with core values like peace, joy, love, purity, wisdom, power and bliss. Due to gross ignorance about these very values, we lose our true power and start searching for it in wrong sources. That is why today the whole human race has become weak and impure. But! now the Supreme Source of Power himself is guiding us all to regain our lost power and sovereignty by imparting knowledge of spirit (soul) through which we would become the rulers of our inner kingdom. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s just begin the journey to experience real power by connecting to our true self and Supreme Source.

(The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and UK. You can write to him at


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