, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Maharashtra: Few seats left for special round for First Year Junior College admission ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Maharashtra: Few seats left for special round for First Year Junior College admission

Mumbai: After three general merit rounds for First Year Junior College (FYJC) admission, junior colleges said that most of the seats are filled. The remaining vacant seats will be made available in the special round which will be conducted on first come, first serve basis by the state school education department.

Junior colleges said very few seats are available for the special round which will be conducted after colleges display vacancy seat list on the FYJC admission portal on December 20. Around 90 per cent seats are filled by the end of the third merit round with just few vacant seats left for the remaining process.

Despite the third merit list, the cut-off of various junior colleges have remained high. The principal of a South Mumbai college said, "Around 80 per cent seats in our college were filled in the first merit round itself. In the second merit round, we accepted around 10 to 15 per cent additional seats. Currently, we have five per cent seats left which we will open up for the special round."

Generally, the state school education department conducts the special round on a first come first serve basis where students who were not allotted seats in any of the general merit rounds, those who have not confirmed admissions either due to withdrawal or have cancelled their admissions are given a chance to secure seats.

A senior officer of the department said, "Following the display of vacant seats including management, minority and in-house quota by junior colleges at 10 am on December 20, special rounds will be conducted. Timetable for further special rounds will be declared soon."


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