, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Coronavirus Australia live news: NSW records 15 new cases as 'final call' on Christmas to be made on Wednesday ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Coronavirus Australia live news: NSW records 15 new cases as 'final call' on Christmas to be made on Wednesday

All new Covid cases are linked to the existing northern beaches cluster after 38,000 tests were conducted. Follow all the latest news and updates, live

The final report of Victoria’s hotel quarantine inquiry has been released in two volumes at over 500 pages.

The immediate takeaway from the initial reading is the board’s chair, former judge Jennifer Coate, does not find anyone in the ministry or the public service ultimately responsible for the decision to use private security in hotel quarantine.

Ultimately, the evidence did not identify that any one person decided to engage private security in the program. However, there were clearly people who influenced the position that was found to have been adopted at the [state control centre] SCC meeting on the afternoon of 27 March 2020.”

The people of Victoria should understand, with clarity, how it was that such a decision to spend millions of dollars of public money came about. The people should be able to be satisfied that the action to proceed in this way was a considered one that addressed the benefits, risks and options available in arriving at such a decision. There was no evidence that any such considered process occurred, either on 27 March 2020 or in the days and weeks that followed, until the outbreaks occurred.”

Enforcement of quarantine was a crucial element of the program that the premier had committed Victoria to adopting, but neither he nor his ministers had any active role in, or oversight of, the decision about how that enforcement would be achieved.”

None of those workers went to work to get infected with Covid-19. However, systemic governmental failings led to problems.”

There is a lot happening at the moment, and while NSW was giving its update, Victoria released its long-awaited final report into its hotel quarantine system. Josh Taylor has the first update.

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from The Guardian

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