, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 This time, ex-VC to be Lokpal of DAVV; appointment process starts ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, November 8, 2020

This time, ex-VC to be Lokpal of DAVV; appointment process starts

Indore: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV) is going to get its second Lokpal (ombudsman) in two to three months.

This time, the Lokpal won’t be a retired judge but a former vice chancellor.

Department of Higher Education (DHE) has initiated the process for the appointment Lokpal stating that the process will be held at state level.

The department would give a panel of three or four members to the university concerned and the VC then take a final call on the appointment.

As per University Grants Commission (Student Grievance Redressal) Regulations 2019, every university has to appoint a Lokpal who will be responsible for redressal of grievances pertaining to admission, delay in examinations, results, harassment etc.

The Lokpal will be a part-time officer to be appointed for a period of three years or until he attains the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier. As per the Regulations 2019, the Lokpal should be a person of eminence in academics or research who had been vice chancellor of a university.

The DAVV had got its first Lokpal in retired judge NK Satsangi in July 2018 as per UGC Regulations-2012. The regulations-2012 were for appointment of a retired judge on the post. The Regulations-2019 made only former VC eligible for the post.


Lokpal will be responsible for redressal of complaints received from students. First, grievance committee at the college will accept complaints from students. The committee will communicate its decision to the complainant within 10 days of receipt of the complaint. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the committee may within six days file appeal before Lokpal. The grievance redressal committee is yet to be formed.

Ambit of complaints

--- Making admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institute.

--- Irregularity in admission process adopted by institute.

--- Refusing admission in accordance with the declared admission policy of institute.

--- Non-publication of prospectus. Publication any information in the prospectus which is false or misleading and not based on facts.

--- Withhold or refuse to return any documents deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in.

--- Demand of money in excess of what specified in the declared admission policy or approved by the competent authority to be charged by such institute.

--- Breach of the policy for reservation in admission as may be applicable.

--- Complaints of alleged discrimination of students.

--- Non-payment or delay in payment of scholarship to any student.

--- Delay in conduct of examination or declaration of results beyond that specified in the academic calendar.

--- Non-transparent or unfair evaluation practices.

--- Harassment and victimisation of students, including sexual harassment.

Also Read: DAVV awaits government’s go-ahead for reopening campus


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