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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Beat your Lockdown Blues: All your mental health queries answered by Dr Anjali Chhabria

I am a 23-year-old female, recently graduated from college. I am looking for jobs amid pandemic and also battling health issues at the same time. We need money as my father lost his job this year. I am constantly tired because of my health and can’t keep up with the interviews. I am stuck in this cycle of wanting to perform well in interviews and feeling weak. I really need a job soon as my family is living off the savings and my father is finding it tough to get a new job given his age. What do you suggest I do in this situation without losing it? Please help!

Ans: The pressure of finding a job could be immense I understand given that your father lost his job. I would first highlight the fact that your physical health is important at this point than anything else. Like you can’t pour from an empty cup, you may not be able to do justice or perform to your fullest with ill health. Thus, meet some doctors to understand what is happening with your health and seek relevant treatment. Post which you will be in a good space to attend to your interviews with better preparations.

I am dating a guy who is four years younger to me. Our families are aware about our relationship and have no objection. Recently, one of our friends was visiting us and commented on our relationship. It was coming from a space of judgment and I tried rationalising. But, few things were hurtful and I think it has harmed our friendship. I don’t want to speak to him anymore. I have blocked him on all platforms as a form of disengagement. But, I still feel angry. Am I wrong?

Ans: It is quite a confusing situation to be in when someone you are close to ends up hurting you or touches a sensitive chord. In your situation it seems that what your friend said has resulted in more of shock than hurt. The question ‘how can he say something like this’ is heard between the lines. You can adopt the road of confrontation here where you can speak your mind as to how his behaviour affected you and that it would take some time for you to mull over it. This conversation is essential so that he is aware that his statements were hurtful and that he can be mindful in future about the same.

My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s few months ago. I have now started worrying about my own well-being as I have read that Alzheimer’s is genetic and it can happen to next generation as well. I am constantly looking out for signs in me and my family is getting worried for me. I don’t know what can help me here. I don’t want to lose my memory and it makes me very stressed. I have also taken a few days break from everything and decided to travel. Please help.

Ans: I understand you are going through a stressful period with your father’s health condition, which in turn is having a negative impact on your well-being as well. On your travel you can focus on helping yourself learn few techniques to manage stress and anxiety. You seem to be pre-occupied with information about Alzheimer’s and sometimes that could lead to overthinking. Thus, speak to a professional before drawing any conclusions about genetic transmission of this disorder as it is leading to increased anxiety in you.

Also Read: Beat your Lockdown Blues: All your mental health queries answered by Dr Anjali Chhabria


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