Navi Mumbai: Homemakers are having a very difficult time as after the onion and potato, the price of vegetables has skyrocketed. Most of the vegetables are being sold over Rs 80 per kg in the retail market as the supply dipped in the wholesale market. The excessive rainfall during September damaged the crop, resulted in poor supply.
While the festival is already underway, most of the vegetables are being sold above Rs 80 to Rs 100 per kg in retail. Cauliflower is being sold at Rs 100 per kg while brinjal at Rs 80 per kg in the retail market. Other green vegetables are commanding above Rs 80 or Rs 100 per kg. There is almost a 100 per cent rise in vegetable price from the beginning of the month. Even the price of leafy vegetables has also quadrupled.
As per the traders at APMC, the crops damaged due to heavy rainfall in September and the quality also affected. “The heavy rainfall severely damaged the crop and now we are getting in the market are either very costly or not of good quality,” said Rajendra Mandalik, a trader at the APMC. He added that there will be no respite for at least a fortnight. “The price will come down only after new crop will start arriving in the market which will take at least from a fortnight to one month,” added Mandalik.
If we compare the price of vegetables from the first week of October and today, there is at least 100 per cent rise in prices. Cauliflower, which was available between Rs 30 to Rs 40 per kg last week, is now available at Rs 100 per kg. Even tomato which was between Rs 20 and Rs 30 per kg in the retail has reached Rs 60 per kg.
Surpiya Rai, a Nerul resident says that she is depending upon soybean and whole pulses. “Normally, green vegetables are available at a very low price during this period. However, at present, most of the vegetables are very costly and it is difficult to manage the monthly budget,” she said.
On October 24, APMC received 482 tempo and 63 trucks laden with vegetables. According to traders, if we look at the number of vehicles entered in the market, it seems it is normal. However, the fact is that the quality is not good and the shelf life of vegetables arriving in the market is poor. “Many of the vegetables are missing completely in the market or very little supply. And whatever is coming is not of good quality leading to price rise,” said the trader.
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