, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SOP for gyms: Recorded music songs, multi-layer masks & 6 feet minimum distance ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, October 24, 2020

SOP for gyms: Recorded music songs, multi-layer masks & 6 feet minimum distance

Mumbai: The Maharashtra Government has issued a six-page notification on the standard operating procedure (SOP) to be followed in gyms which will reopen from Sunday. Persons above 65 years of age, persons with comorbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised not to use gymnasiums in closed places. While exercising, surgical masks or multi-layered cloth masks, tightly woven, cotton blends which securely fit over the nose, mouth and under the chin are advised to wear.

Common exercise mats should be avoided and members should preferably bring their own exercise mats which they may take back with them. In view of potential threat of spread of infection, as far as feasible recorded music/songs may be played and shouting/laughter yoga exercise should not be allowed.

The government has reiterated that gyms outside the containment zones will restart from Sunday. Staff residing in the containment zone shall not attend the facility till the containment zone is de-notified. Housekeeping staff will have to be informed & trained about norms for waste management & disposal.

All employees who are at higher risk including older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions should take extra precautions. They should preferably not be exposed to any front gym work requiring direct contact with the clients.

Further, individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet as far as feasible. It will be mandatory for gym operators, trainers, staff, members and the visitors to strictly follow respiratory etiquettes which involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.

Gym operators will ensure queue management inside and outside the premises, with specific markings on the floor with a gap of 6 feet and promote card-based/contactless payment. For air-conditioning/ventilation, the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30 C, relative humidity should be in the range of 4O-7O% and intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and cross ventilation should be adequate.

The gym operators will have to prominently display posters/standees on preventive measures about COVID-I9 and regularly play audio and video clips to spread awareness on preventive measures for COVID-19.

In case of a suspect Covid 19 case in the gym premises, the ill person will have to be placed in a room or area where they are isolated from others. The gym operators will provide a mask/face cover till such time he/she is examined by a doctor and they will have to immediately inform the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) or call the state or district helpline.


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