Mumbai: Actress Rhea Chakraborty seems to be walking her talk. A day after she said she would go after the individuals and news channels, who gave false information and defamed her for her alleged role in Sushant Singh Rajput case, the actress has filed a written complaint with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is presently probing the death case.
In a letter written to Nupur Prasad, superintendent of SIT, CBI, Mumbai, Rhea has highlighted the "bogus" statements of her neighbor Dimple Thawani, who has claimed that she saw Sushant dropping the actress at her residence on June 13, a day before he committed suicide.
Notably, Thawani has claimed to be Sushant's fan and "believes to be his soulmate due to a past life connection."
Highlighting Thawani's testimony to some news channels, Rhea in her plaint has said, "During the investigations, several media channels carried false and bogus stories without any material to substantiate these patently false and fabricated claims, in order to achieve their own ends."
"Similarly, Thawani has made patently bogus and false allegations against me, knowing them to be false only to mislead the probe in the case. Her allegation that Sushant dropped me at my residence on June 13, is utterly false," Rhea said in her complaint.
In her one page letter, written through her counsel Satish Maneshinde, Rhea has said that a prima facie case of giving "false evidence" is made out against Thawani. "The said offences (allegedly committed by Thawani) are serious, which provide for seven years of imprisonment and must be probed.”
from Free Press Journal
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