-- Grand Master Akshar
Many a time we are cooped up indoors busy reading a book, watching television or playing games etc. Then suddenly you see that it has begun to rain outside. At such a time the weather is a temptation. The rains beckon you to step outside and play. You may want to splash around in the pitter-patter of the raindrops. You wish to sing and dance in the rain. Of course, there are times that you do listen to your heart and run outside to play. And after all who can blame you? The rains are a beautiful phenomenon of nature.
Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, and you cannot deny the call. But there are also times when you do not heed this voice that is within you. Even though you really want to go outside and play and frolic in the rain you remain sitting inside simply looking out the window. You sit there imagining how wonderful it would be if you were to step outside and dance and play in the rains.
While you stay there fantasizing about all the fun that you could be having in the rain, meanwhile the rain ceases to fall. And then when the rain stops even if you want to go outside and play in the rain you can't anymore. The moment seems to have passed and you have missed out on the opportunity. Even though this might seem like a trivial incident, but the fact that you denied your heart’s longing will leave you feeling disappointed.
This will also leave you feeling weaker. You have unconsciously given the message to your heart that even if it is a happy incident you will remain indoors and not go outside. But we all need the mind in order to accomplish things in life and if you want your mind to be your friend then you must start listening to it. While it is definitely important to discriminate between right and wrong and to follow your heart only for the right thing you should also know what brings you joy.
Do not deny your heart that which brings you joy. You must learn to embrace anything that gives you positivity, happiness, and growth. When you start doing this, then the mind will surely befriend you!
source https://www.freepressjournal.in/spirituality/guiding-light-listen-to-your-heart
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