, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Press Journal, 'My new song is a prayer for humanity,' says Leslee Lewis about his new single 'Chandrama' ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Free Press Journal, 'My new song is a prayer for humanity,' says Leslee Lewis about his new single 'Chandrama'

What is Chandrama about?

It’s a prayer I have composed for my fans and everyone post Covid. I’m asking Lord Ganesha to connect us with Chandrama as in these dark times post-Covid, no one can see their way forward. So we need Chandrama to cast some light on our lives. That’s the gist of the song.

Does Chandrama have the same texture and melody of your 90's hit song Krishna?

Melodically, both have an Indian classical base, but both are completely different melodies. Texture wise the similarity is dark, slight despair, but there is hope. The main difference between the two songs is that in Krishna I wrote the lyrics in English, whereas in Chandrama I have written the lyrics in Hindi.

So ideally this would be your second song on religion.

Chandrama is not about any religion. It’s a prayer for humanity. Personally, I’m not a religious person, just spiritual. My whole life has been about music, and that is spiritual.

What made you record a song on the lines of Krishna?

There wasn’t any plan to do such a song, but during the Covid Lockdown, I could see what was happening to the future of everyone, so I came up with this song. I never thought of trying to do something like Krishna. It just turned out that it had the same feel.

Whom did you work with on the song?

The entire song has been done by me, from composing, lyrics and instrumentation. Only the mastering was done in the UK, so I’d say it been pretty much a solo project.

Would you consider a solo album of new songs sometime soon?

I think I will release a few singles before I think of packaging or grouping them into an album. Singles have video content and so are easier to get heard and noticed.

You have created your own brand of music known as Global Hindi. What’s it all about?

Global Hindi is a term or genre I’ve come up with for my new music. The music is Global, in the sense that it has Blues/Jazz/Rock/Bossa/Indian Folk/Indian Classical. Chandrama falls into the Indian Classical space. The language is fundamentally Hindi, but it’s not Indian. Once you hear it, it doesn’t feel traditionally Indian. So when you listen to Chandrama it’s got a pretty global vibe, from my singing style to the guitar’s not Indian. The reason is that while the composition is Indian, I don’t sing any alaps or sargamas you might typically expect in a tune like this. Global Hindi is my sound, the tunes, the arrangements and the mix. And of course it has my stamp on it.

How did you spend your time during the lockdown?

Food, Food and more FOOD. It’s been a gastronomic time. If you check my Insta page @lesleelewisofficial from April, you will see what I mean (laughs). I have been cooking all meals everyday and a variety of Global Food… like my Global Hindi (laughs).

Do you miss the ‘live’ stage and the audience?

‘Live’ is the Experience or else you will be watching ‘Online Gigs’...exciting now, but will wear off in due time, For me ‘Live’ has never stopped exciting me, as each gig is a new experience.

Any message for your fans?

Listen with your heart, not with your mind.

Also Read: Hitting the right notes: Piano Day goes virtual

from Free Press Journal

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