, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Coronavirus live news: WHO warns 2m could die before vaccine; Victoria's health minister quits ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, September 25, 2020

Coronavirus live news: WHO warns 2m could die before vaccine; Victoria's health minister quits

Jenny Mikakos resigns after inquiry into how Australian state allowed a second outbreak; Brazil deaths pass 140,000 and US cases reach 7m. Follow all the developments live

Mikakos’ resignation follows a six-week inquiry into the Australian state of Victoria’s hotel quarantine program for returned international travellers, with infection control failures in the program ultimately sparking Victoria’s second wave. Much of the state is now under strict lockdown restrictions, and borders to other Australian states remain closed or heavily restricted.

While most other states and territories opted to use police officer or Australian Defence Force [ADF] staff to implement the hotel quarantine program, Victoria used private security contractors who were poorly trained in infection control, the inquiry previously heard. The premier and health minister have been under pressure to explain why ADF and police were not used.

Since the start of this pandemic I have worked every day with a single focus to protect the Victorians from an unprecedented global public health threat in our lifetime. It has been a responsibility for which I have felt, only a sense of urgency and resolve. I have been in awe of our health professionals, saving lives every day and I can never express my admiration of them enough.

When the case numbers started to rise in June I sough explanation. On 30 June, I received a briefing on a genomic sequencing report. To say that I was shocked would be a massive understatement. The sacrifice and suffering of Victorians is something that I feel deeply. As I said to the Board of inquiry, I take responsibility for my department. The buck stops with me. With the benefit of hindsight, there are clearly matters that my department should have briefed me on. Whether they would have changed the course of events, only the board and history can determine.

For three months I had looked forward to learning who made the fateful decision to use security guards. Victorians deserve to know who.

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Here are some of the main developments from the last 24 hours:

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