MUMBAI: Undeterred by the pandemic, the city's underground Metro Line 3 work is full swing. The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation (MMRC) recently tweeted about the tunnelling work at Hutatma Station. The MMRC informed, “Tunneling work using NATM is in progress at Hutatma Chowk station. Team PKG 1 achieved the highest ever tunneling of 19.2 meter in July by maintaining COVID-19 guidelines in challenging geological conditions."
With this, the Metro Line 3 is heading towards achieving a significant milestone as the entire stretch of tunelling work at this station is going on below the heritage buildings located at Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Fort. There are several heritage and important buildings in the stretch --- JN Petit Library, two Parsi fire temples -- Wadia Atash Behram and the Anjuman Atash Behram and Siddharth Law College to name a few.
Larsen & Toubro - Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (L&T- STEC JV) is carrying out the excavation and tunnelling work. Owing to space constraint, construction of Hutatma Chowk Station it is being done by the NATM
New Austrian Tunneling Method technology 'Cut and Cover.'
The Hutatma Chowk Station’s construction is part of the 4.25 km Package UGC-01 which was awarded to L&T-STEC in July 2016 reportedly. Their scope of work includes building tunnels and four stations --Cuffe Parade, Vidhan Bhavan, Churchgate and Hutatma Chowk
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