Mumbai: A Vakola-based teenager hanged himself to death on Friday, but before doing so he sent a text message to his girlfriend bidding adieu. The teen, who was a student of Class 12, has left no suicide note. Vakola Police recorded an Accidental Death Report in the matter.
On Friday, the teen, who had recently passed Class 11, was alone in the house at the time of the incident, at around noon, when his father had gone to the bank, while his mother and sister went out. One of the neighbours knocked on the door to call the teen's mother, but when nobody answered, she turned to the window, only to find the teen tightening the noose around his neck. She alarmed the neighbours, following which his father was called and the door was broke open.
By the time the door was broken, they found that the door of the bedroom was closed as well and that too was broken down. The family was shocked to see him hanging and police were called. He was rushed to the nearest civic-run hospital, where he was declared dead before arrival due to asphyxiation. Police sent the teen's body for postmortem to ascertain any other leads in the matter.
Meanwhile, police and the teen's parents went through his mobile phone and found that he called a number of his batchmates before taking the extreme step, but sadly none answered. He had also sent a text to his girlfriend, claiming that he will not bother her henceforth and wishing her to be happy, said police.
Vakola Police recorded an Accidental Death Report (ADR) in the case on the basis of the preliminary information. Meanwhile, the teen's family has refused to file any complaint and have not raised any suspicion in the matter.
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