Amidst layoffs and retrenchment by industries, which are badly hit due to the lockdown and economic downturn, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday urged industries not to take such an extreme step. He asked them to explore an option of salary cuts, but called them not to give pink slips to the workers during the present crisis.’
Thackeray, at his meeting with the representatives of Shiv Sena labour wing Bharatiya Kamgar Sena, said he will personally speak to the industry majors and entrepreneurs with an appeal not to retrench the workers considering their contribution in industry growth.
Thackeray informed that the state government has launched MissionBeginAgain allowing reopening of industrial units excluding containment areas and red zones. More than 65,000 units with 16 lakh workers were already operational and many more to restart production.
He mooted the concept of Covid Vigilan Committee comprising the members of management and workers in every industrial unit which have restarted their operations.
Industry Minister Subhash Desai informed that CM on Monday will formally launch the Maha Jobs portal on Monday for the recruitment of skilled, semi skilled and unskilled employees. Free Press Journal broke the government’s move on July 3. This aims to facilitate jobs to the locals or domiciled people of the state. Industries are expected to provide 80 per cent jobs to the locals.
The state-run Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) will run the portal and has selected 950 plus trades and 17 different sectors for the recruitment of locals. Industry units and job seekers both can register on the portal.
MIDC recently had conducted a Human Resource Survey 2020 after 65,000 industrial units reopened following the relaxation of the lockdown norms in the state. Of the 65,000 units, 3,300 units have responded indicating the requirement of 50,000 employees. Of these, 70 per cent are skilled and semi skilled, while 30 per cent are unskilled. Industrial units situated in the MIDC industrial estates as well as those outside can register themselves on this portal for recruitment.
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