Mumbai: With the state government easing lockdown norms under its 'Mission Begin Again', cab aggregators have been allowed to resume operations. This was the signal car-owners and drivers had been waiting for, having been forced to sit idle through the lockdown. But easing some lockdown restrictions did not prove to be the key to ending their distress. Worse still, it seems to be hurting their already bruised wallets.
App cab drivers are now able to undertake three to four trips daily on an average, one-fifth of what they could before the lockdown. Out of these meagre earnings, the aggregators take a 25-30 per cent commission. On top of this, diesel prices have steadily risen, hitting them really hard.
"Unless there is a complete unlockdown, we won't be able to generate revenue. Our income stopped when the lockdown was imposed, and now, we are running losses, as we do not make enough trips but must pay for fuel and parking as well," said an Uber driver.
"Our target passengers are mainly officegoers on weekdays, while on weekends, we earn majorly from crowds thronging shopping malls and multiplexes. Unless these businesses are up and running, we remain unable to recoup our losses," he observed.
Further, none of the aggregators have helped them out by providing compensation, the drivers claim, but they heartlessly continue to deduct their commission as of yore.
"Each of us has to pay at least 20-30 per cent commission plus taxes, depending on whether it is Ola, Uber or Meru. None of the companies are providing us with any rebate or ease-of-business schemes. It's only the drivers who have invested in the business and are doing all the work," said an Ola driver.
Many of them feel it is the absence of a proper union which prevents their voices from being heard. Though there are worker representatives, the management doesn't take them seriously, is what the drivers feel.
Some of them also complained that companies are not regulating the number of cabs plying each day, which has been an added problem for the drivers.
"The aggregators should have made a regulation that they will allow only a certain number of taxis each day. As a result each car owner or driver would get a chance to hit the roads on alternate days. But there are atleast 20,000 cars plying each day, much more than the number of people coming out. As a result the demand and supply chain is affected," said Atif Sheikh, a transport business owner, who has leased out cars to drivers driving for these aggregators.
"The transport industry has taken a severe hit because it is completely dependent on people and unless there are people travelling, how will it help? Rather, we will be stuck with the cost of fuel," Sheikh concludes.
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