Amidst all the adversities, the lockdown is said to have had a positive impact on the crime rate in Navi Mumbai. Falling sharply in the months of April and May, 75 per cent fewer crimes were reported in the satellite city.
The nationwide lockdown, imposed on March 25, subsequently extended further to break the cycle of transmission. After the lockdown, the movement of people completely stopped, except for essential services and supplies.
During this period, according to police, the crime rate came down sharply. As per the data shared by the Navi Mumbai police, in April, the total number of crimes of all kinds was only 94 as against 410 last year for the same period. Of the total 94 cases, 47 were solved with a 50 per cent detection rate. Similarly, in May, the total number of crimes of all kinds was only 117 as against 481 last year for the same period. And, of the total 117 cases, 74 were solved with 63 per cent detection rate.
In these two months, the crime rate was just 23 and 24 per cent, respectively, in comparison to the same period last year.
There are only two cases of theft reported during these two month, while 43 cases of theft were reported last year in the same period. Similarly, there were 11 rape cases reported during the lockdown, while 31 rape cases were reported in the same period last year. There were 67 cases of housing breaking reported last year in April and May, while there were only 14 such cases reported during the lockdown. No cases of cheating were reported for both the months this year.
Since vehicular movement almost came to a standstill, the number of fatal accidents also came down to just ten, while it was 52 last year for the same period.
Interestingly, the number of crimes in the first three weeks of March, when there was no lockdown, is almost the same as that of the previous year. There are a total of 507 crimes of all kinds reported in March, 2020, which is almost similar to the 498 crimes reported in 2019.
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