, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JJ Marg police station’s victory over Covid-19 ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, June 12, 2020

JJ Marg police station’s victory over Covid-19

Mumbai: The JJ Marg police station, city's one of the worst affected police station with 48 positive cases, has won its battle against the deadly virus with 100 percent recovery rate. All the 48 police personnel who have tested positive for the COVID-19 have recovered from the disease and 42 of them have already resumed duty. Similar feat has been achieved by the Dharavi police station a few days ago.

"All of our police personnel have overcome the disease, 42 including all 12 police officers who contracted the disease have resume work while remaining 6 are completing their isolation period and will soon join duty, " said Sanjiv Bhole, senior police inspector of JJ Marg police station.

The police station has seen a sudden spike in cases between April 28 and May 23 with 48 positive cases.

After the virus spread among the police personnel, the remaining police staff have been asked to follow the norms strictly. The officials asked their men to drink boiled water brought from their house and also asked to eat home cook food, as a result the police station has not seen a single positive case since last 20 days, said an official.


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