, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 CR trains motormen, guards through online classes ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

CR trains motormen, guards through online classes

Mumbai: Taking advantage of the lockdown, the Mumbai Motormen Training Centre, Kurla, has imparted online training to keep the memories of the motormen and guards refreshed. This online training program updated the knowledge of the motormen and guards and also motivated them to avoid SPAD (Signal Passing at Danger), platform overshooting and also prepared them for upcoming monsoon precautions. At work, every motorman of Mumbai Suburban Section of Central Railway, on an average, negotiates 300 signals every day with utmost attention, while carrying out the responsibility of carrying millions of passengers safely. Therefore, intermittent training & updating of the safety aspect of the operations of the local train is very essential.

After lockdown, as per the directions, the pattern of training changed from classroom to online for suburban motormen and guards. Three courses were conducted through online viz. 21-day refresher training course, 10-week promotional course and one-day intensive course. Each of the course modules has online class training as well as practical training.

The practical training is conducted in a local train for a batch of three motormen at a time. Nearly 162 trainees have been trained through one-day intensive course from May 8 to June 13, each day 10 trainees attend online training course from home and 85 staff have been trained in other online courses. Overall 247 motormen underwent training during this lockdown period.

“This online module of the training program updates the motormen with all technical and troubleshooting knowledge of different types of rake in Mumbai division, operating technical knowledge, safety knowledge, road learning knowledge and also focused with tips to avoid SPAD (Signal Passing At Danger), platform overshooting and upcoming monsoon precautions,” said Shivaji Sutar, CPRO, CR.

During the online training, they are also once again enlightened about the comprehensive aspect of safety and technical knowledge including the uses of flashlight, head light and detonator, knowledge of automatic signalling section and absolute block section, action to be taken during fire in EMUs, action to be taken during runover and passenger fallen down from running trains, auxiliary warning system, troubleshooting of different types of rakes including the signalling & technical aspects of train operations and finally online tests are also conducted to assess the knowledge of the trainees.


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