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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Say yes to Su-Jok

There is so much science hidden in our ancient texts. I was under the impression that acupressure and reflexology originated in the Far East. To my surprise, I learnt that both systems were well developed and practiced in India since Vedic times.

The science of the body was so well understood by the Veds that they could detect ailments just by looking at a person or feeling the pulse. From it developed a very popular technique of healing and relaxation called ayurvedic massage.

While the massage survived, the rest of the science went into a state of dormant hibernation, until fairly recently. It took a self-exiled North Korean researcher in Moscow to dig deep within our ancient texts and rediscover this lost knowledge.

Building on it, he developed a holistic healing technique called Su-Jok. Having experienced its efficacy, I have been one of its early adopters, that is, ever since it was introduced in India by Professor Park Jae Woo.

Over the years, I have done my own research, going back to the roots — our ancient texts and those on modern medicine — just as Professor Park had done, and evolved a system that combines the best of many holistic healing methodologies, which I call ‘The Art Of Self-Healing’.

Modern science accepts that each cell in our body is a genetic replicate of the entire body. There are five body parts protruding from our trunk .Two arms, two legs and the head. Now, take a look at the palm and sole of the foot. There are five protrusions:

Four fingers and the thumb in the hand and five toes on the foot jutting out. Mapping our body on the surface of our hand, the thumb represents the head and neck; the index and the little finger represent our arms; and the two inner two fingers correspond to our legs. Various portions of the palm represent different organs; and the back of the hand represents the skeletal body.

Diving deeper, all four fingers have three joints each, which surprisingly mimic the three joints of the arm and legs: namely wrist-elbow-shoulder joint, and ankle-knee-hip joint. Nature has made our body in such a way that it can repair itself if a person knows how to keep the bioenergy in balance.

Having understood the above, energy balance could be done through stimulating specific points on the hand (Su) or foot (Jok) as also applying seeds, colors, magnets on the corresponding parts of the body on hands and feet. This biological knowledge was understood thousands of years back by our sages but was lost due to foreign invasions and our own lethargy of documenting many verbal texts.

The Acupressure Research Training & Treatment Institute, Allahabad has done research on Ayurvedic Acupressure for the past 25 years treating lakhs of patients with excellent results. Modern medicine has its place in our life, but there is so much we can do for ourselves without it too — as a preventive or deterrent for many ailments that even modern medicine has no cure for as yet.

Yes, I am speaking about a potential health hazard we all call COVID-19. Until a vaccine is found, we are all vulnerable to its attack. The only antidote available is boosting one's immunity, energy levels, and metabolism. Immunity enhancement is required to fend off the virus, high energy levels to keep our mind strong, and metabolism to help us burn off the excess calories we consume caged in our houses with not much to do. With these simple steps you can achieve all three by yourself.

For boosting immunity Take a few fenugreek (Methi) seeds. Line them on a strip of adhesive (paper) surgical tape. It’s Available with every chemist. Paste the strip around the right-hand ring finger before sleeping. Remove it in the morning. You can do this with a fresh tape and seeds as many nights you choose. It has no side effects.

Alternatively, if you have access to a healing magnet, tape one (yellow face on skin) on the left hand at the point marked TW 15 in the above diagram. One Byol Magnet Yellow side touching skin Methi Strip wrapped around Ring finger

Boosting energy and overcoming weakness refers to loss of muscle strength. Signs and symptoms of weakness can include trouble in doing daily tasks, such as grooming or writing or problems with gait and loss of balance. Nature has given us self-treatment mechanism as described below: Apply red colour with non-toxic marker, red felt pen (but not red plastic bindis).

‘Alternatively, you can take 13 moong beans, line them (germinating side touching skin) on a half-inch wide adhesive tape (easily available in medical shops). Refer to the image above to know how to place it. Weakness & Flaccidity causing inability to sit, stand or walk apply Red Colour on CV 6.

Improving metabolism Weak metabolism can cause increase in blood sugar level after eating, body fats, calcium excretion, and decrease in Vitamin D and calcium absorption. To improve metabolism, paste one or two mung beans with germinating point touching the skin (use adhesive tape like earlier).

A:To Improve Metabolism: Second joint of left-hand index finger. (Li 11)

B:To Control Diabetes: Third bone of right toe. (Pn 3)

C:To control Osteoporosis i.e reduction of bone density: Middle finger, first joint from top. (K3)



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