For last thirteen days the vegetable vendors are not selling vegetables in all the areas. All the shops of vegetables and grocery items have been closed and now people have started asking what to feed the family members?
Home delivery option does not seem convenient for poor and middle income group families and on the other hand those outlets which are supplying essential goods through home delivery are not taking orders of less than a thousand rupees.
Many of the areas of old city have been declared containment zones due to corona affected patients found here. People living in containment areas are also not getting vegetables and grocery items for a long time and now people are demanding that either vegetable vendors should be allowed to operate again or permission should be given to open the grocery shops in every area.
Now administration should tell us what to eat and what to feed to our family. Sale of veg. is not allowed, grocery shops are also closed so how will we survive.
- Deepak Chawda, Azad Nagar
典here are many people who cannot afforf to buy ration online nor they have money to store ration or veggies in bulk from other sources. In this situation administration should make some alternate arrangements so that all people whether they belong to containment areas or non containment areas could get the necessary food items.
- Anis Khan, Gandhi Nagar
They have closed all the options as grocery shops and vegetables vendors have been banned. What should we do now? It is not good to deprive children of a balanced diet. Something must be done.
- Tina Parmar, Dewas Road
If administration is not allowing the vegetable venders then at least they should arrange for potatoes and onions for everyone. Even basic vegetables, pulses and rice have gone missing from platter of households.
- Jaiprakash Parmar, Sindhi Colony
from Free Press Journal
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