, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Too much to handle, Bhopal sends coronavirus testing samples to Delhi ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, April 17, 2020

Too much to handle, Bhopal sends coronavirus testing samples to Delhi

BHOPAL: Even as four labs in the state capital are conducting tests for COVID-19, the health department seeing the number of pending results decided to send samples to Delhi for speedy and confirmative results. A special plane took off for Delhi on Friday at 11 am with around 1325 samples for testing coronavirus infection. Currently in the city AIIMS, GMC (Bhopal), BMHRC and NHSADCL are conducting tests, however still as many as 711 test results are awaited.

As cumulative figures suggest, GMC with 1368 cases is leading the state capital in Corona sample tests followed by BMHRC with 407 AIIMS 390 and NHSADCL conducted 100 test so far.

Airport director Vikram Singh informed a special plane carrying samples of COVID-19 suspects took off from the airport to Delhi. The health department has started sending corona suspects samples from Bhopal to Delhi for speedy results and also to clear the pending aggressive screening and testing will help early detection of the infection and timely treatment. ” The plane was fully sanitized before it flew to its destination, Singh added.

Since the administration is concentrating on screening and testing in the state capital specially focusing on hotspots like Jahangirabad, Aishbag and other pockets of old city, the number of sample has drastically swelled up. With a number of tests results still pending, the administration has opted for sending test samples to Delhi for speedy results. In the hotspots, a few patients suffering from other chronic diseases died even before their results of their test could arrive.

Admin launces ‘healthybhopal’ website

District administration has launched a website to collect health information from public to check corona outbreak. The people have been asked to share information regarding their health condition like flu, cough and cold. It has also sought info of family members above 65 years having cancer, HIV or of they are Bhopal gas victims. Besides the administration also wants to know the persons they have come in contact with.

Also Read: Coronavirus fear: After suicide attempt by bhopal constable, counselling and motivational sessions for policemen intensified


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