, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MP asked to turn 5 red zone districts into green ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, April 16, 2020

MP asked to turn 5 red zone districts into green

BHOPAL: The Central Government has issued a letter keeping in mind the rising number of suspected COVID-19 cases in districts.

The central health secretary has fired off a letter to health officials of all the states telling them how to turn the red zones into green ones within 28 days.

In Madhya Pradesh, five districts - Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain, Khargone and Hoshangabad, have been placed in red zone.

In the letter, the union health secretary has asked his state counterparts to implement the lockdown rules strictly in red zones.

It was also said that special attention should be paid to areas where the coronavirus has spread. Such areas be declared orange zones and then be turned into green ones immediately.

The situation in Bhopal and Indore has worsened due to corona spread. In Indore, 700 people have been diagnosed with the disease. In Bhopal, the number of afflicted people is 200.

Both the cities have 80% of all the patients in the state. There are 30 patients in Ujjain, 39 in Khargone and 17 in Hoshangabad district.

The state government has paid attention to Bhopal and Indore so that more patients can be tested and screened.

From the letter of the union health secretary, it is clear that the Centre wants to bring the situation under control by May. Therefore, it has begun to pressurise the states.

Also Read: Coronavirus fear: After suicide attempt by bhopal constable, counselling and motivational sessions for policemen intensified


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