, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Madhya Pradesh: Ratlam MLA Chetanya Kashyap concerned over delay in coronavirus test reports ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Madhya Pradesh: Ratlam MLA Chetanya Kashyap concerned over delay in coronavirus test reports

Ratlam: Concerned over delay in test reports of Covid-19 suspects the city MLA has demanded an expansion of testing facilities.

While expressing concern over the delay in sharing test reports of Covid-19 suspects from Indore, Ratlam city MLA Chetanya Kashyap said that Covid-19 testing facilities will have to be expanded immediately in controlling the serious threats from Covid-19 effectively. He said that he has talked to Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the issue.

In a statement issued here, Kashyap said that in Indore besides MGM College seven PCR Machines are available. Permission to the pending applications for the commencement of covid-19 lab in Indore should be granted without delay. Kashyap said that he discussed the issue with Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and stressed the need of early permission to new Laboratories by Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR) which will increase capacity of the Covid-19 test at the places like Indore many times. Kashyap informed that Union Minister Tomar has assured to raise the issue with ICMR. He said that against the quota of test KIT to be received by MP, Ratlam should be allotted at least five thousand kits.

Kashyap also drew attention towards the need of early permission for the use of Rapid Test Kit of Covid-19 which will also speed up the Covid-19 Test results. He said that one Korean company is manufacturing Rapid Test Kit (RTK) at Gurgaon situated plant which it presently supplies to European countries. Korean company at Gurgaon should be given permission earliest possible for rapid Test Kit supply in our country.


According to Health bulletin issued by the District Administration on April 17, A total of 254 samples have been sent for Test report of the suspected cases of Covid-19 here of which 153 samples reports are yet to be received. There is no increase in the positive cases and no death has taken place due to Covid-19. Positive cases are remained twelve and survey work is continued in the containment area Lohar road, Mochipura, JawaharNagar, Bohra Bakhal and village Nandleta where so far 12,344 persons health survey has been completed by the teams. A total of 1239 health and other survey teams are working in the field in the district, official press release informed.

CCTV cams installed in containment areas

Meanwhile, after receiving complaints of some people not following lockdown directives in containment areas, District administration has installed CCTV cameras and close watch is being kept. An official information said that in the city’s containment areas Lohar road, Mochipura, Bohra Bakhal, Jawahar Nagar CCTV cameras have been installed and people have been warned of stern actions if they did not adhere to the directives to be followed during lockdown period.

Also Read: Madhya Pradesh jumps to 3rd place in number of coronavirus positive cases


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